Patricia Blankenship
As the Senior Partner, Pat has more than 26 years of experience is a State Licensed Hearing Instument Specialist and is a NBC-HIS (National Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist). She serves primarily in the North Bend and Reedsport Offices. Pat lives in Reedsport, is an avid golfer and a very active member of the Forest Hills Country Club.
Hearing Center, Inc.
Andy and Susann Beaulieu
Andy, Pat's oldest son, and his wife, Susann, are partners in the business.  Andy is the Business Manager and a Hearing Aid Service and Repair Technician.   Susann is a State Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist with 11 years of experience.  They have two daughters, enjoy remodeling older homes and 4-wheeling on the dunes.

Nicolas Beaulieu
Nick, Pat's youngest son, is also a State Licensed hearing aid specialist with more than 11 years of experience. Nick works at both the North Bend and Reedsport offices. Nick is an avid surfer, loves the Oregon coast and feels like it is a perfect fit for him.
Michelle Garcia
Michelle, is Susann's niece and serves as the Patient Care Coordinator and Hearing Aid Cleaning Specialist in the North Bend and Reedsport offices.  In  addition, Michelle is interning as a Hearing Aid Specialist, in preparation for obtaining her Oregon State license.

Hannah Beaulieu
Granddaughter, Daughter and after school supervisor of Internet Operations.  Hannah has 12 years (a lifetime) of experience in the hearing business, having had her own office at the North Bend location since she was born.